Is it your dream to model internationally? If working as a fashion model overseas is something you’re aiming for, there are some things you should know that will help you make it a successful experience.
From professional standards to personal safety, here are three things you need to consider and know about working overseas as a model before you hop on the plane to your dream international modelling gig.
Learn International Fashion Modelling Expectations
Depending on which country you’re going to be working in, professional standards might be very different to home. When I went to model in China, the professional standards were very different to what I was used to in Australia, which made for a huge culture shock!
For example, in China, being early to photoshoots and event call times - even turning up early for hair and makeup! - was looked on as a huge positive. It really helped me to build positive relationships and friendships I still have to this day.
In Australia being early isn’t something that people will actively comment on and appreciate you for, in my experience. Being early and putting the effort in is still a good thing to do in Australia, but because the professional standards are generally more ‘laid back’ and relaxed, things are much more casual!

But in China, I made it my mission to turn up 15 - 20 minutes early for absolutely everything to show that I respected the people that I worked with and appreciated the opportunity. Doing this made me stand out much more than other models who didn’t put the effort in! Some models were regularly late or had some really heinous diva behaviour, and let me tell you that people talk, and some of the staff were put off by this behaviour.
You know what else was a great outcome from putting so much effort in? I was picked to model more often for photoshoots and events!
Because I had demonstrated I was enthusiastic and respectful, I ended up making very good friends, especially with some of the translators and even the hair and makeup team who went above and beyond to help out when I had a couple of false eyelash malfunctions on a shoot.

When I was leaving China, because I had built such great relationships in the time I was there, the entire hair and makeup team came up to hug me and started crying because they would miss me so much. It was such a unique experience that I’ll carry with me forever.
Being respectful (and early!) really put me ahead in China, and it was appreciated by the team much more than I ever imagined. So, when you travel overseas for modelling, make sure you do some research on what is professionally valued in that particular country. It can really put you ahead, much more than you think.
Becoming A Model Citizen of the World
Before arriving in the country you’re modelling in, you need to make sure you understand the cultural context you’re going to be working in. Some things to think about include cultural values of the country, communication styles, culturally appropriate (and inappropriate!) gestures or clothing, as well as general information about current affairs in that country like politics or important social issues (this will help you avoid putting your foot in your mouth or making a conversational faux pas).

For example, in some cultures like Japan (where I went on high school exchange at 16 years old), I very quickly found out that wearing a low cut top was not appropriate. I ended up hearing some pretty uncomfortable comments on my clothing and body, and that was very awkward for a teenager to experience! On top of that, the way that you speak to senior people in Japan is much different than speaking to your friends. Gift giving is also a huge thing for Japanese culture, too.
In America on the other hand, where I’ve competed in beauty pageants, conversation is a big requirement. People want to hear what you have to say. They really value independent thought and outgoing personalities.
So, how do you go about finding out cultural details like that? Well, luckily we have Google to help us with our research!
Watch YouTube videos, read news articles about what’s going on in that country before you get there, and even a quick read of Wikipedia will help. You might think it’s not important to know these things now, but for models these days, you have to have more depth than just being pretty.
Now, models also have to be an active participant in the world.

You have to not only have an understanding of the people and places you work in, but also be educated on worldly events. Educating yourself on cultural nuances can really help you to build good relationships and a sparkling professional reputation for yourself.
The Reality of Travelling Safely
Being safe in other countries is a huge consideration. If you’re coming from somewhere like Australia, which is pretty safe and friendly, you need to make sure that you’re aware of who and what is happening around you.
When I was in China for example, I had a man approach me at a promotional event and ask me on a date.
He had found me online (which was surprising as I didn’t have much of a following at the time), and decided he wanted to meet me in person. He approached me to ask to take me to a restaurant and go on a date. I politely declined.
After that, I was very careful about what I posted and only tagged locations after I had left them.
This is just one very small example about why safety when you’re modelling overseas is important. You just never know who is around or who is watching you, and making sure you’re aware of what’s going on around you will help to keep you safe.
Want to learn more tips about modelling? Make sure you check out more top tips for modelling poses, runway, and make sure you follow me on Instagram for more updates.